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Enrichly  the #1 low self-esteem gaming platform in the world


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Improved self-esteem leads to increased academic performance, improved mental health, and decreased youth violence. In 2022, the Youth Enrichments program reached 400 youth across 10 elementary and middle schools in the greater Houston, Texas, area


​These youth participated in the Youth Enrichments 4-to-6-week Self-Esteem Course at their school, with programming facilitated by a Youth Enrichments staff member. Students were assessed at the beginning and end of the course using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, a reputable survey-based assessment of self-esteem frequently utilized by the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control).


Valid pre- and post-assessment data were obtained for 220 youth. On average, these students had a pre-score of 27.7 and a post-score of 29.6. The average gain was 1.9 points (Std. Dev. = 5.79), representing a statistically significant positive gain using a Paired Samples T-Test (t(219)=4.79, p<.001), with an effect size of 0.32 (medium effect size for educational interventions).


Supplemental survey data were gathered at a capstone event for 167 youth, which provided additional evidence of the positive impact of the program. Specifically, 93% agreed that the program made them feel better about themselves.

Gaming Platform by Richly - The #1 Gaming Platform For kids who suffer from low self-esteem
Friendship Quest-Gaming Platform by Richly - The #1 Gaming Platform For kids who suffer from low self-esteem



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Understanding your low self-esteem score
Understanding your low self-esteem score- good self esteem vs low self esteem
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